2010年9月3日 星期五

badmood ING T^T

really really bad mood now...
my competition......
imposible got any chance.....
don't know why.....
my sound........................
can't sing any high pitch........
the song i choose damn high pitch....
how could it be !?
how could i face the competition..???
about this status...>.<
what should i do !?
can anyone help me ??
damn annoying arg~!!!
just left two day.........

don't got anyone consider going to support me...><
don't got any comment support me.......=.=
its ok la for me...
but i'm really scare....
really not confident about this competition...
i'm saying"REALLY"....
but how could it be...
at least i had going into final....
that's my strength....
my limit strength......


